


We are dedicated to the care and education

Facilities @ Palakshi Preschool


Splash Pool

Water Play gives many opportunities to develop fine and gross motor skills across age ranges. Children will increase their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination through actions like pouring, squirting, scrubbing, stirring and squeezing. It’s an amazing sensory experience introducing them to textures (slippy, slimy…) and temperatures. It will also help master the pincer grip which will enable them to hold a pencil correctly at school.

Splash Pool


Sand Pit

Sand play promotes physical development. Large muscle skills develop as children dig, pour, sift, scoop, and clean up spills with brush and dustpan. Eye-hand coordination and small muscle control improve as children learn to manipulate sand accessories.

Sand Pit


Balls Pool

Balls pool is a very important area in our school wherein the students are able to balance their bodies, Peer learning happens and children become socialize as well as confident learners.

Balls Pool


Smart board

We have technology enhanced classrooms that fosters opportunities for learning by integrating learning technologies

Smart Board


Scribbling Boards

Scribbling encourages creativity, confidence and flourishes the wings of creativity. Toddlers and preschoolers love the sound of pounding crayons and magic of their markings on the board. They experience the joy from the feel of the motion and surprising appearances of the lines.

Creative Wall


Creative Wall

To enhance the creative and imaginative skills of the children we give them the exposure of colors and brushes which develops their fine motor skills

Creative Wall