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Best Pre-School Franchise

Today buying the Features of Best Preschool Franchise has become the primary choice of every entrepreneur due to the convenience and ROI. When you plan to buy a Pre school franchise then you need to pay a certain amount of royalty. But the return on the investment is always expected to be higher compared to building preschools from the beginning. In recent years buying preschool franchises has gained a lot of limelight. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of getting a preschool franchise

Advantages of Pre school franchise:

  1. pre-school franchise is a tried and tested model which means the franchise providers have already gone through a lot of research and planning process. Therefore operations and management become smooth with low risk.
  1. franchises have good names in the market making it easy for the edupreneur to gain prospects’ trust and survive in the competitive market.
  2. financial risk and high return on investment
  3. management and functioning
  1. the school operation and growth easily with the franchise model
  1. and Training support from the franchise provider
  2. investment with fewer hurdles Preschool Franchise or Own Playschool

Disadvantages of Pre School franchise

Well, there are fewer to no disadvantages of getting the pre-school franchise like:

  1. the royalty to the franchise provider

Less to no self-innovation in terms of school banner, colour, uniform and more as it represents preschool brand reputation.

Starting own preschool or playschool

Setting a new pre-school from the beginning requires in-depth planning, research, finance, resources and most importantly experience. Many times during the development phase most entrepreneurs fail to create research-based plans that impact the growth of the schools. That is the reason why it’s said setting up a pre-school form from scratch on your own can be a lengthy and challenging process. There are a few advantages of setting up preschool but the disadvantages can outweigh the number:

Advantages of having own pre-school:

  1. authoritative command over school: When it comes to creating your own pre-school you get the whole authority to make changes in the management and school functioning. Not only that, you can add unique selling propositions to enhance your school’s growth.
  1. investment: While setting up a new pre-school you have to invest some amount but it will start offering you results. Once you successfully set up your school then you may not have to invest huge amounts in concrete-related concerns.

Disadvantages of having own pre-school:

  1. of management & Poor organisation: Many times people looking to open pre-school have less to no knowledge about management. Poor management and organisation can create a bad reputation for the play school. There are high chances that you might end up losing all your investment Necessity of Good Preschool
  1. of reach: Most pre-schools fail to reach the right set of audiences due to poor marketing. The pre-school sector is highly competitive and to survive in the competitive marketplace every pre-school needs a proper marketing strategy. But a newly started school fail to accomplish that. 
  1. much burden: When a non-experienced person plans to start a preschool then he is accountable for planning, development, research, financials, marketing and many more.
  2. a lot of time to reach the right audience: A newly set up preschool may take a long time to reach the right audience and gain their trust How to choose Affordable Preschool Franchise


Today preschool franchises are becoming highly popular among edupreneurs compared to starting pre-school from scratch. Buying the best pre-school franchise enables you to get access to easy operation, management, and higher ROI. Not only that but a franchise provider is always present to offer any kind of support that can help you to enhance your school functioning. Apart from that they also help you with marketing as they have a dedicated team working to increase the reach of your school in your city. Overall if you are planning to open a preschool then it’s recommended to get the best pre-school franchise.

Palakshi is one of India’s leading pre-school franchise providers having expertise in helping edupreneur to set up fully functioning pre-schools with very minimal cost. If you are interested in knowing more about the features and function of our franchise model then it’s recommended to reach out to our professionals.

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